
"La Caritas in veritate e il pensiero della complessità"

Lingua: Italiano
Abstract: The rejection of traditional political ideologies, as a reaction to their shortcomings, led during the last century to a succession of ideas from philosophers looking for new ways. Rather than the coarseness of previous abstract ideas, the reality of modern life demands unconditional understanding and respect. To understand what is simple - the reality of life - we must not be simplistic in our thinking. We need to be dynamic and, paradoxically, able to uncover complex relationships. The recent encyclical Caritas in veritate marks a turning point in the development of truly “empathetic” thinking. Here the editor attempts to bring out the deep logic and the dynamic paradigm presented in its rst few paragraphs. In its reading of social relationships, the Encyclical gives practical applications of this paradigm, in particular the idea of fraternity.
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