
Archive for: Rossi| Fabio

"Fede e giustizia: la lezione di Rosario Livatino"

Abstract: The news that the process of beatification of Rosario Livatino has begun provides us with an excuse to learn more about this young judge killed in 1990. He was a good example of how religious belief and strong convictions regarding the law and the pursuit of justice can come together. Regarding justice, Livatino underlined two important ideas: the clarity and […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Vittorio Bachelet: uno sguardo verso la fraternità"

Abstract: The publication of a wide-ranging collection of the writings of Vittorio Bachelet gives the opportunity to examine attentively, but with humility, the role that a principle like fraternity has had in the life and work of this great expert in law who was killed be the Red Brigade. From Bachelet’s articles written as a student to the re ections of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fraternità e riconciliazione nella giurisdizione penale"

Abstract: In support of the idea that penal jurisdiction aims at reconciliation, two important examples tend to be cited. One is that of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa, in which reconciliation is “first of all a political act, the establishment of a neutral space in which various parties meet in favour of justice and reconstruction”. The other […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Democrazia, giustizia e partecipazione: la transitional justice e il contributo della fraternità"

Abstract: The evolution and the transformation of the reality of democracy, especially in relation to participation in it, opens up new possibilities for reflection upon sectors that, until now, have been seen as exclusively within the competence of “experts”. Among these the Italian justice system appears to be evolving towards a new institutional arrangement that includes several different elements and characteristics. […]
Lingua: Italiano
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