
Archive for: Italiano

"Buon governo societario: un approccio al Libro Verde dell’UE del 2011 dal punto di vista della giustizia relazionale"

Abstract: The European Commission has recently stated that, especially in the current international economic crisis, it is of paramount importance that European enterprises demonstrate the utmost responsibility not only towards their employees and shareholders but also towards society at large. Corporate governance may be considered as a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and its other […]
Lingua: Italiano

"L’intelligenza sociale. Verso una teoria relazionale dell’intelligenza nel quadro della pedagogia di comunione"

Abstract: The author invites the reader to look at school organisation in the light of three approaches: the social intelligence model, viewed as a dimension of personal development; the dynamics of relationships, embracing human existence and social action; and the pedagogy of communion, which can be seen as an educational model coherent with the author’s proposition. This conclusion is reached after […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il principio di precauzione e il bene comune"

Abstract: The progressive development of science and technology demands a profound assessment of the relationship between a range of interests from innovation and the bene ts derived from new discoveries, on the one hand, and people’s well-being, health and security and the need to care for the environment, on the other. This article attempts to examine an institution, the precautionary principle, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Attraverso la prova: ll Cile democratico nella testimonianza del presidente Patricio Aylwin Azócar"

Abstract: Patricio Aylwin Azócar was president of the Republic of Chile from 1990 to 1994. On him, above all, fell the weight of the task of pacifying a country which was politically split and deeply wounded by the dictatorial regime which had been installed by general Pinochet, who with a coup d’état brought to an end the experience of the Allende […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La cultura del dare"

Abstract: L'individualismo che contraddistingue la modernità frutta un tipo di società chiusa, indifferente e inconsapevole dei bisogni e delle attese degli altri. Tale società è segnata dalla cultura dell'avere, dell'accumulare, dell'accaparrare, del consumare e dello sprecare. La cultura dell'avere partorisce una concezione antropologica monca, rivestita di non-valori, di sentimenti negativi. La società che ne deriva è quella "complessa" che mercifica tutta […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La fraternità come categoria (cosmo)politica"

Abstract: The author begins with an affirmation of the religious roots of fraternity, a category which is present in various religions, and indeed fundamental in Judaism and Christianity. He examines three concepts of fraternity: as consanguinity, as an ethical principle, and as a cosmopolitical category. He shows the historical impact of fraternity and analyses some “realist” criticisms. He suggests some areas […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Vittorio Bachelet: uno sguardo verso la fraternità"

Abstract: The publication of a wide-ranging collection of the writings of Vittorio Bachelet gives the opportunity to examine attentively, but with humility, the role that a principle like fraternity has had in the life and work of this great expert in law who was killed be the Red Brigade. From Bachelet’s articles written as a student to the re ections of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fraternità e riconciliazione nella giurisdizione penale"

Abstract: In support of the idea that penal jurisdiction aims at reconciliation, two important examples tend to be cited. One is that of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa, in which reconciliation is “first of all a political act, the establishment of a neutral space in which various parties meet in favour of justice and reconstruction”. The other […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Democrazia, giustizia e partecipazione: la transitional justice e il contributo della fraternità"

Abstract: The evolution and the transformation of the reality of democracy, especially in relation to participation in it, opens up new possibilities for reflection upon sectors that, until now, have been seen as exclusively within the competence of “experts”. Among these the Italian justice system appears to be evolving towards a new institutional arrangement that includes several different elements and characteristics. […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il termine dell’analisi. Wittgenstein lettore di Freud"

Abstract: The present article intends to describe the debt of Wittgenstein concerning Freud while at the same time exposing his original attempt to go beyond the anthropology supporting the Freudian argument. The problem under exam is determining the moment to end the psychoanalytical therapy: not only, and not just an epistemological crucial point, in as much as a fundamental anthropological question, […]
Lingua: Italiano
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