
Archive for: Italiano

"Per un dialogo tra dono e amore. Alcuni spunti da un’intuizione di natura meta-sociologica"

Abstract: This paper follows the intuition that “gift” and “love”, in the social dimensions and dynamics through which they manifest themselves, are co-involved. It offers a comparative analysis – on the one hand – of the sociological thought concerning “gift”, developed by scholars of the Mouvement Anti-utilitariste das Sciences Sociales (MAUSS) – especially A. Caillé (1998, 2008) and J. T. Godbout […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Beni relazionali e sviluppo. Un contributo per l’analisi degli effetti relazionali degli aiuti allo sviluppo nel fenomeno dell’Economia di Comunione"

Abstract: The article presents a research project, related to the scientific and interdisciplinary debate on the issue of development and its “complication”, focusing especially on the importance of the relational dimension. The research was aimed at building a methodology for assessing the ability of development aid to generate “relational goods”. It has resulted in the definition of an analysis tool – […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Qualità sociale e rivincita dell’homo agapicus oltre la crisi"

Abstract: A period of history is coming to an end. At the height of the postmodern era, there is a new social awareness. According to Giuseppe Maria Zanghí, this dimension of communion in society is part of being human, and is developing over time. Antonio Maria Baggio sees this re-awakening of the social sense in “civil society”. The present crisis can […]
Lingua: Italiano

"L’amicizia civica in Aristotele"

Abstract: Although the Aristotelian idea of the polis is limited by some features of its historical context (slavery, men-women relationships), it can still be very relevant and productive, as seen by the way it was revived in the work of Christian thinker Jacques Maritain. Based on the relational nature of human persons, it emphasises the polis as a special kind of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Franco Chiereghin: una vita per lo studio"

Abstract: An interview with prof. Franco Chierenghin, born in 1937 in Chioggia (Veneto, Italy), who spent his whole career at the faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Padua. His accurate and scientifically rigorous studies on Hegel, one of his many research interests, are a reference point for the academic world; his care towards students is an admirable example […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Lo Stato preventivo: un percorso ermeneutico"

Abstract: Review. According to Pasquale Ferrara the political form of the present is structurally inclined to terror. To make the idea, he deliberately uses an extreme word: deinocracy. The Author explains how the State security conditions put in place based on fear may generate what Ferrara calls a securitarian democracy. This is very different from the conditions leading to democratic safety, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Indignazione e spirito di fratellanza; in dialogo con S. Hessel e P. Ingrao"

Abstract: Review. Stéphane Hessel, a German naturalized French citizen, member of the Resistance and former diplomat, one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, addressed the new generations: “Be outraged! Do not resign yourself to a society of consumerism and money!” Pietro Ingrao, former partisan of the Italian Resistance and former president of the Chamber of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"A Kant, per Rawls"

Abstract: In occasione del bicentenario dalla sua prima pubblicazione l’editore Feltrinelli propone una nuova edizione del testo di Kant, giunto, nel 2009, alla sua sedicesima edizione. La Prefazione è affidata al filosofo Salvatore Veca, che propone di “globalizzare” la giustizia locale attualizzando la riflessione kantiana alla luce della più recente teoria di John Rawls. "Tornare a Kant, insieme a Rawls"? È […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Domanda e Relazione. Rileggere la ‘Scienza della Logica’ di Hegel"

Abstract: Review. This essay arises from the latest publication of Franco Chiereghin: Rileggere la Scienza della Logica di Hegel (Reinterpreting Hegel’s Science of Logic). Chieregin’s work was published two hundred years after the Science of Logic, and it is an original attempt to understand Hegel’s work anew, in the light of the theory of complex systems “under the guide of three […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La prospettiva della fraternità nel pensiero di John Rawls"

Abstract: Review. In his book A Theory of Justice published in 1971, J. Rawls associates his difference principle with the concept of fraternity, drawing attention to the revolutionary triplet of 1789, “Liberty, equality, fraternity”. Through the difference principle Rawls attempts to think rationally about fraternity, seeing it as something intrinsic to political processes, rather than “external” to them. The author traces […]
Lingua: Italiano
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