
Archive for: Italiano

"Address to politicians and enterpreneurs"

Abstract: On May 7 1998, Chiara Lubich presented the Focolari Movement, and particularly its commitment in the renovation of political and economical behavior, to a group of Brazilian Members of Parliament and entrepreneurs gathered at the National Parliament. Understanding the other’s reasons, perceiving diversity as richness and particular regard to the poor are the fundamental tools to address actual problems in […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Discorso ai politici e agli imprenditori"

Abstract: Il 7 maggio 1998 Chiara Lubich ha presentato ai parlamentari e ad un gruppo di imprenditori brasiliani, riuniti presso il Parlamento nazionale, il Movimento dei Focolari e in particolare il suo impegno per il rinnovamento della politica e dell’agire economico. Comprendere le ragioni dell'altro, vivere la diversità come ricchezza, avere un’attenzione privilegiata verso i poveri: questi sono i supporti fondamentali […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il principio di fraternità nell’educazione politica dei cittadini"

Abstract: This paper is an essay on the relationship between politics (poli- cy and politics) and “political education”, specifically about “political education” to citizenship. The paper studies a model for education in tune with our times: a cosmopolitan political education based on hu- man rights. From this point of view, the principle of fraternity helps us to think pedagogically about “human […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il dono, tra reciprocità e agape"

Abstract: Having underlined the favourable conditions of the current situation in Italy, the article de nes the of terms used by the social sciences for the concrete dynamics of daily life. It then goes on examine a series of key concepts for the phenomenon of ‘gift’ and for its theoretical understanding: law (whose observance is seen also within the logic of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Prospettive per una democrazia post-sovranista"

Abstract: Neither in its exercise nor in theoretical debate is the state’s sovereignty absolute any more. Indeed, a certain “fragility” can be observed in the traditional concept of sovereignty based on the definition of an impermeable territory and an exclusive identity. Instead greater consideration is given to “responsible sovereignty” and its functions. On this basis it is possible to judge the […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La ‘Pace Costituente’. Per un’interpretazione integrativa delle relazioni internazionali"

Abstract: This text presents the inaugural lecture of the academic year 2012/2013 at the Sophia University Institute (delivered on 18 October 2012). The author seeks a possible description of the concept of “constitutive peace”. It emerges as an operative concept, as a description of possibility always subject to failure, as the construction of a context which permits the ongoing activity of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Sette proposizioni sull’homo agapicus. Un progetto di ricerca per le scienze sociali"

Abstract: The aim of the authors is to begin a study on agapic behaviour, from a sociological perspective, with a view to stimulating further research and initiating a scientific community on this subject. They therefore make seven propositions about Homo Agapicus which could be the basis for empirical research in this field. They observe that in reality multiple forms of social […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La fraternità come principio costituzionale per una nuova valutazione della cittadinanza"

Abstract: This article examines the status of citizens in the light of the principle of fraternity. Citizenship is not simply an expression of the relationship between the State and the citizen, it is an important concept for the structure of civil society itself. Here the intention is to look at the rights and duties of citizens (and by contrast and comparison, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fontem (Camerun): fraternity’s laboratory"

Abstract: Sociologist, reflecting of the use of the words, observe that one term is often used in different manners. Therefore, in order to explain the intended meaning of fraternity, being aware that this work is not enough to fully do so, the authors give a strict sociological reading of a long-term practical experience: the cooperation between the Focolari movement and the […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fontem (Camerun): un laboratorio di fraternità"

Abstract: Riflettendo sull’uso delle parole, i sociologi fanno osservare che spesso vengono utilizzati gli stessi termini in modi diversi, pertanto per esemplificare cosa si intende per fraternità, coscienti che con questo esercizio non se ne esaurisce il significato, si è voluto sottoporre a una griglia di lettura prettamente sociologica un’esperienza concreta e pluridecennale di collaborazione – quella tra i Focolari e […]
Lingua: Italiano
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