
Archive for: Italiano

"Relazionalità e scienza economica. Una applicazione"

Abstract: Using game theory, and in particular “trust games”, it is possible, with a vision of reciprocity rooted in the “trinitarian paradigm”, to unpack gratuitousness as it characterizes reflection upon the category of gift in contemporary thought. In this way it is possible to come to a description of the dynamics of a “unconditional reciprocity”, in which the choice of giving […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il lavoro come amore. Per una rilettura antropologica del discorso economico"

Abstract: The lack of an anthropological reflection on the nature of work is one of the most relevant lacunas of contemporary economics, that sees the worker as either human capital or economic resource. Human work is in fact relegated to the backstage of the capitalistic system, centred instead on impersonal and anonymous elements. This paper analyses some key characteristics of work, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"L’idea di fraternità nel congresso di Panamá del 1826 e i tentativi di integrazione politica dell’America Latina dopo la sua indipendenza"

Abstract: In its first part, this article outlines some of the characteristics of the principle of fraternity as a political category, by referring to moments and events in the story of Latin America. The author looks at the theme of fraternity and its role in the Panamá Congress of 1826. This was a moment of great historical importance in the development […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Introduzione ai testi del seminario su: «La fraternità come principio relazionale giuridico e politico»"

Abstract: This section presents some interventions from the Seminar on “Fraternity as a relational principle in law and politics”, organized by the Department of Political Studies at the Sophia University Institute, in collaboration with RUEF (Red Universitaria para el Estudio de la Fraternidad) from 11-13 March 2013 at Loppiano (Incisa in Val d’Arno, Firenze).
Lingua: Italiano

"Innovazione e comunità: l’amicizia come condizione della conoscenza nella filosofia"

Abstract: An important factor, which seems to be present in every cultural and social innovation, is that these innovations come about through the creation of new forms of community. Human history has witnessed a succession of various types of new community and a study of their typology demonstrates that each one generates a paradigm that is progressively communicated to society at […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fraternità e riflessione politologica contemporanea"

Abstract: In political science reflection on fraternity as it is understood in its civil and public aspects is constantly developing. The reasons which nourish this development can be classified in two large groups: in the first group fraternity is recognized as a need or a question, on the basis of the awareness that the achievement of the other two principles, liberty […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Crisi della democrazia e strategie della fraternità"

Abstract: The crisis in democracy in both developing and long established nations has two sides. The negative side can be seen in the limited participation in politics, increased control of the individual through economic strategies and methods of persuasion, and new forms of internal and external poverty. On the positive side, we see the reawakening of consciences leading to life choices […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La Caritas in veritate e il pensiero della complessità"

Abstract: The rejection of traditional political ideologies, as a reaction to their shortcomings, led during the last century to a succession of ideas from philosophers looking for new ways. Rather than the coarseness of previous abstract ideas, the reality of modern life demands unconditional understanding and respect. To understand what is simple - the reality of life - we must not […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La visione politica di Jimmy Carter: tra fraternità e diritti umani"

Abstract: The presidency of Jimmy Carter (1976- 1980) marked a turning point in US policy. Domestically, it was characterized by economic crisis, huge popular distrust in politics, the growth of neoconservatism and increasing bitterness between Democrats and Republicans. Internationally, Carter attempted to recover the path of “enlightened internationalism”, taking up the doctrines of his illustrious Democratic predecessors such as Wilson and […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il conflitto colombiano e il ruolo della società civile"

Abstract: Both for historical reasons and because of its current political and social dynamic, the rebuilding of Columbia’s social fabric is key to resolving its present conflict. Research suggests that several conditions are needed for this, all focusing, it would seem, upon making civil society function: training new generations to follow the law and participate in constructive civic activities, creating in […]
Lingua: Italiano
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