
Archive for: Português

"Fraternidade, Direito e Transnacionalidade"

Abstract: This article offers some theoretical constructs that allow the elaboration of a deeper understanding of Fraternity, Law and Transnationality. It seeks, through its approach to these three issues, to encourage the study of Fraternity, so that it is possible to identify the same logic at the roots of both Politics and Law. In this way it hopes to contribute to […]
Lingua: Português

"Direito da criança e do adolescente: qual o espaço da relacionalidade"

Abstract: The analysis of society identifies ideologies and practices that contribute to the formation of an idea of childhood. There are models based on fear, incoherence, ignorance, alienation and an inability to cope with the other and, still more, if such otherness is also fragile, there are models that lay the basis for humanity’s distorted attitudes towards its children. Is it […]
Lingua: Português

"Bullying nas escolas: a necessária atuação do dereito da criança e do adolescente com vistas à promoção de uma cultura fraterna"

Abstract: The analysis of the phenomenon of bullying, on the basis of the teaching of Integral Protection, which is the matrix for the Children and Adolescent Law, as well as Fraternal Law, implies a differentiated perspective on that issue, so as not to risk simply criminalizing it. In this context, fraternity is a fundamental element in the constitution of relationships, whether […]
Lingua: Português

"O juízo político da Hannah Arendt aplicado à fraternidade"

Abstract: This article looks at the application of the concept of political justice elaborated by Hannah Arendt, on the basis of the aesthetic judgement of Kant. This concept of political judgement, originally devised by Arendt in view of ethical and political resistance in dark times, can also be used, this article argues, to develop broad visions and critical autonomy in the […]
Lingua: Português

"O amor dos amores: a política na visão carismática de Chiara Lubich, in Fraternidade e Humanismo. Uma leitura interdisciplinar do pensamento de Chiara Lubich"

Abstract: Chiara Lubich deu uma contribuição fundamental à redescoberta da fraternidade, seja como um modo de vida, seja um princípio político, especialmente durante os últimos anos de sua vida pública. O artigo procura compreender o significado original que Lubich deu à fraternidade. Sua interpretação está enraizada na Realidade da Trindade de Deus e, em particular, em Jesus abandonado; sua visão da […]
Lingua: Português
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