
Archive for: Aristotle

"L’amicizia civica in Aristotele"

Abstract: Although the Aristotelian idea of the polis is limited by some features of its historical context (slavery, men-women relationships), it can still be very relevant and productive, as seen by the way it was revived in the work of Christian thinker Jacques Maritain. Based on the relational nature of human persons, it emphasises the polis as a special kind of […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Riflessioni sull’etica e la fraternità politica. Uno sguardo dall’Argentina"

Abstract: Classical Greek philosophical thought distinguished between doxa (opinion) and episteme (science), making the latter the locus for gnoseology, metaphysics, and ethics. In this way, human actions are governed by knowledge of the truth, also in the political sphere, as underlined by Aristotle. Contemporary political practice, however, abandoning this position, is based on opinion: its policies reflect what the public thinks. […]
Lingua: Italiano
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