
Archive for: gift

"Per un dialogo tra dono e amore. Alcuni spunti da un’intuizione di natura meta-sociologica"

Abstract: This paper follows the intuition that “gift” and “love”, in the social dimensions and dynamics through which they manifest themselves, are co-involved. It offers a comparative analysis – on the one hand – of the sociological thought concerning “gift”, developed by scholars of the Mouvement Anti-utilitariste das Sciences Sociales (MAUSS) – especially A. Caillé (1998, 2008) and J. T. Godbout […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Qualità sociale e rivincita dell’homo agapicus oltre la crisi"

Abstract: A period of history is coming to an end. At the height of the postmodern era, there is a new social awareness. According to Giuseppe Maria Zanghí, this dimension of communion in society is part of being human, and is developing over time. Antonio Maria Baggio sees this re-awakening of the social sense in “civil society”. The present crisis can […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il dono, tra reciprocità e agape"

Abstract: Having underlined the favourable conditions of the current situation in Italy, the article de nes the of terms used by the social sciences for the concrete dynamics of daily life. It then goes on examine a series of key concepts for the phenomenon of ‘gift’ and for its theoretical understanding: law (whose observance is seen also within the logic of […]
Lingua: Italiano
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