In Nuova Umanità XXXIII, 193 (2011/1)
: 61-77
. ISSN 2240-2527
Abstract: The progressive development of science and technology demands a profound assessment of the relationship between a range of interests from innovation and the bene ts derived from new discoveries, on the one hand, and people’s well-being, health and security and the need to care for the environment, on the other. This article attempts to examine an institution, the precautionary principle, […]
Parole chiave: civil community, common good, dialogue, nanotechnologies, new technologies, partecipation, precaution, relationship, responsability, trustLingua: Italiano
In Nuova Umanità XXXV, 207 (2013/3)
: 363-79
. ISSN 2240-2527
Abstract: This article is part of the debate between gift and law, and focuses in a particular way on the concept and phenomenon of “private property”. It attempts to demonstrate that the traditional model, based on the exclusive power over a good granted to an individual and the freedom to dispose of it and enjoy it for personal gain, has over […]
Parole chiave: common good, inclusion, intellectual property, precaution, property, relationship, sharing, social function, value of bondLingua: Italiano