
Archive for: 2007

"Attraverso la prova: ll Cile democratico nella testimonianza del presidente Patricio Aylwin Azócar"

Abstract: Patricio Aylwin Azócar was president of the Republic of Chile from 1990 to 1994. On him, above all, fell the weight of the task of pacifying a country which was politically split and deeply wounded by the dictatorial regime which had been installed by general Pinochet, who with a coup d’état brought to an end the experience of the Allende […]
Lingua: Italiano

"La vocazione alla città: una sfida del presente con radici antiche. L’esempio e la testimonianza di Giorgio La Pira"

Abstract: The inevitable changes of spaces evermore less self-referential seem to bring with them the need to be referred to a central concept for the development of lived citizenship: the sense of belonging and identity of the population and the fundamental vocation which every urban territory is called to recognize and to achieve in its development and in its history. The […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Fraternità e riflessione politologica contemporanea"

Abstract: In political science reflection on fraternity as it is understood in its civil and public aspects is constantly developing. The reasons which nourish this development can be classified in two large groups: in the first group fraternity is recognized as a need or a question, on the basis of the awareness that the achievement of the other two principles, liberty […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Spunti per una ricerca sul principio di fraternità nel pensiero latinoamericano"

Abstract: The term «fraternity» is almost completely absent from the vast corpus of texts that make up Latin American thought. Some studies (Mario Casalla, Carlos Beorlegui, Arturo Andrés Roig), however, have begun to identify a role for the principle of fraternity in the process that has led to the establishment of a «collective historical subject», which can be defined as a […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Riflessioni sull’etica e la fraternità politica. Uno sguardo dall’Argentina"

Abstract: Classical Greek philosophical thought distinguished between doxa (opinion) and episteme (science), making the latter the locus for gnoseology, metaphysics, and ethics. In this way, human actions are governed by knowledge of the truth, also in the political sphere, as underlined by Aristotle. Contemporary political practice, however, abandoning this position, is based on opinion: its policies reflect what the public thinks. […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Seminar: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?” with Cristóbal Orrego, Pablo Salvat, Miguel Vatter."

Abstract: On April 12th 2007 in Santiago of Chile the academic seminar “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” organized by the Institute of Political Sciences od the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile took place. Following the recent edition in Spanish of the book El principio olvidado: la fraternidad. En la Política y el Derecho (Ciudad Nueva, Buenos Aires 2006. Italian Edition: Il principio dimenticato. […]
Lingua: Español

"Seminario: Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad?”, con Cristóbal Orrego, Pablo Salvat, Miguel Vatter"

Abstract: El día 12 de abril de 2007 se realizó en Santiago de Chile el Seminario académico “¿Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad?”, organizado por el Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. En referencia a la reciente publicación en español del libro El principio olvidado: la fraternidad. En la política y el Derecho (Ciudad Nueva, Buenos Aires 2006. Edición […]
Lingua: Español
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