
Archive for: 2008

"Votare non basta. Il patto eletto-elettore nella crisi democratica"

Abstract: Democracy requires its elected leaders to account for their actions, especially when it comes to voting time. For a growing number of electors, however, participation in the life of the polis has to be more that simply putting a mark on the ballot paper. One of the crucial unanswered questions of modern democratic systems is how citizens can be involved […]
Lingua: Italiano

"L’oggi del diritto: tramonto o ‘nuovi’ albori?"

Abstract: The deep crisis in law, to the point of “juridical nihilism”, requires us to look beyond the apparent absence of light on the horizon. Starting from the assumption that law is at the service of human beings, we trace the relational implications of this, and reconsider “juridical relationships” as relationships “ad alterum”. In this perspective, the idea of relationship emphasises […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il lavoro come amore. Per una rilettura antropologica del discorso economico"

Abstract: The lack of an anthropological reflection on the nature of work is one of the most relevant lacunas of contemporary economics, that sees the worker as either human capital or economic resource. Human work is in fact relegated to the backstage of the capitalistic system, centred instead on impersonal and anonymous elements. This paper analyses some key characteristics of work, […]
Lingua: Italiano

"Il dibattito intorno all’idea di fraternità. Prospettive di ricerca politologica"

Abstract: Contemporary political sciences present a double aspect: on the one hand, we have a wealth of knowledge and a complexity of methods and languages with, at the same time, a continuous influx of new voices within a globalized debate; and, on the other hand, it is notable that the political sciences are often unable to communicate among themselves; still less […]
Lingua: Italiano
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