In Rivista Sophia V, (2013/2)
: 203-16
. ISSN 2036-5047
Abstract: This text presents the inaugural lecture of the academic year 2012/2013 at the Sophia University Institute (delivered on 18 October 2012). The author seeks a possible description of the concept of “constitutive peace”. It emerges as an operative concept, as a description of possibility always subject to failure, as the construction of a context which permits the ongoing activity of […]
Parole chiave: integration processes, international politics, international relations, peaceLingua: Italiano
In Rivista Sophia V, (2013/2)
: 278-304
. ISSN 2036-5047
Abstract: This article looks at the application of the concept of political justice elaborated by Hannah Arendt, on the basis of the aesthetic judgement of Kant. This concept of political judgement, originally devised by Arendt in view of ethical and political resistance in dark times, can also be used, this article argues, to develop broad visions and critical autonomy in the […]
Parole chiave: fraternity principle, Hannah Arendt, political justice, political philosophy, studies on fraternityLingua: Português
In Nuova Umanità XXXV, 208-209 (2013/4-5)
: 495-518
. ISSN 2240-2527
Abstract: This article examines the status of citizens in the light of the principle of fraternity. Citizenship is not simply an expression of the relationship between the State and the citizen, it is an important concept for the structure of civil society itself. Here the intention is to look at the rights and duties of citizens (and by contrast and comparison, […]
Parole chiave: citizen, constitution, constitutional norms, fraternity principle, stateLingua: Italiano
In Rivista Sophia V, (2013/2)
: 315-20
. ISSN 2036-5047
Abstract: This article mentions some academic events of the past decade and some relevant publications on the topic of fraternity, with the goal of offering a direction in preparation for the appointment on the 11-13 of March, 2013, «Fraternity as Relational Principle, in Law and Politics»; Sophia University Institute, Loppiano (Florence).
Parole chiave: fraternità e studi politici, principio di fraternità, studi sulla fraternitàLingua: English
In Rivista Sophia V, (2013/2)
: 238-240
. ISSN 2036-5047
Abstract: This section presents some interventions from the Seminar on “Fraternity as a relational principle in law and politics”, organized by the Department of Political Studies at the Sophia University Institute, in collaboration with RUEF (Red Universitaria para el Estudio de la Fraternidad) from 11-13 March 2013 at Loppiano (Incisa in Val d’Arno, Firenze).
Parole chiave: Fraternity and political studies, fraternity principle, studies on fraternityLingua: Italiano
In Nuova Umanità XXXV, 207 (2013/3)
: 363-79
. ISSN 2240-2527
Abstract: This article is part of the debate between gift and law, and focuses in a particular way on the concept and phenomenon of “private property”. It attempts to demonstrate that the traditional model, based on the exclusive power over a good granted to an individual and the freedom to dispose of it and enjoy it for personal gain, has over […]
Parole chiave: common good, inclusion, intellectual property, precaution, property, relationship, sharing, social function, value of bondLingua: Italiano
In Nuova Umanità XXXV, 207 (2013/3)
: 363-79
. ISSN 2240-2527
Abstract: Il contributo si inserisce nel dibattito riguardante il rapporto tra dono e diritto, concentrandosi in particolare sul concetto e sul fenomeno della “proprietà privata”. L’intento è di evidenziare come il modello tradizionale, basato sul potere esclusivo concesso ad un soggetto su un bene e sulla libertà assoluta di disporne e goderne nel proprio interesse, sia andato nel tempo stemperandosi in […]
Parole chiave: bene comune, condivisione, funzione sociale, inclusione, precauzione, proprietà, proprietà intellettuale, relazione, responsabilità, valore di legameLingua: Italiano
In Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 2 (2013/1, Article 8)
: 68-79
. ISSN 2163-5552
Abstract: This article uses the principle of fraternity to read some recent evolutions of the concept of leadership both in research and in practice (for instance, the Arab revolutions) from individual, to shared, to collective leadership. In particular, it explores how some fraternal characteristics of collective leadership can provide an effective practice, underpinning both successful participation and transformation. The fraternity principle, […]
Parole chiave: civic duty, collective leadership, fraternity principle, shared leadershipLingua: English
In Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 2 (2013/2, Article 8)
. ISSN 2163-5552
Abstract: In questo saggio bibliografico l’Autore presenta il percorso, negli ultimi due decenni, del principio di fraternità, inteso nella sua dimensione sociale e politica. Il nuovo interesse per il “principio dimenticato” è cominciato in Europa, per poi diffondersi, in particolare, in America Latina, anche se non mancano pubblicazioni in altri continenti. L’interesse per la fraternità si è sviluppato in maniera interculturale […]
Parole chiave: bibliografia fraternità, fraternità, fraternità e cittadinanza, fraternità e conflitti, fraternità politica, solidarietàLingua: English
In Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture, 2 (2013/2, Article 8)
. ISSN 2163-5552
Abstract: In this article, the author presents background on the notion of fraternity, as well as events in Europe and in Latin America during the past decade or so that have led to a new scholarship on this “forgotten principle.” This scholarship that began in Europe, spread to Latin America, and then back to Europe with new insights and publications in […]
Parole chiave: bibliography on fraternity, brotherhood, fraternity, fraternity and citizenship, fraternity and conflict, political fraternity, solidarityLingua: English