
"For a communion politics. A conversation with Chiara Lubich, held in the San Macuto Hall in Rome on December 15, 2000, attended by a great number of politicians from different levels and political views"

Lingua: Italiano
Abstract: Chiara Lubich views Italian history as the challenge of rebuilding a whole country starting from common values, especially after the Second World War, and acknowledges fraternity as one of the essential tools. She presents the commitment of the political movement for Unity that is made up by members of different parties, civil servants from all levels of public administration, members of parliament, local administrators and diplomats, united by the desire of conceiving a political behavior that starts from human values and aimed at common good, within the unity of society. A fraternal covenant is proposed, putting the general good over any partial interest, both as an individual or as a group, class or party. Fraternity allows for the idea of a country and of a society that includes different political cultures valuing each one. Fraternity may encourage long-lasting cooperative relationships among voters and elected representatives building, thus, positive participatory relationships between society and politics. Equally, fraternity is the bond that allows facing difficult situations.
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