
"La vocazione alla città: una sfida del presente con radici antiche. L’esempio e la testimonianza di Giorgio La Pira"

Lingua: Italiano
Abstract: The inevitable changes of spaces evermore less self-referential seem to bring with them the need to be referred to a central concept for the development of lived citizenship: the sense of belonging and identity of the population and the fundamental vocation which every urban territory is called to recognize and to achieve in its development and in its history. The political and social journey of La Pira within the city of Florence, still today and with due proportion, is a witness of quality and an example which can be a reference point for thinking about pluralism, solidarity and fraternity in the municipal domain. The characteristic elements of the Lapirian administrations with the safeguarding of the concept of person, with the defense of the meaning of work and of a correct integration between economic good and human capital, with the opening up of that space which characterizes the city to the problematic themes of the international community, underline the need to create and to defend the patrimony of values in politics, to the point of being able to free the concrete trends of change and the administrative boldness from a particular historical period and to strengthen the substantial differences with horizons of dialogue or projects carried out with a shared experience of soul.
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